MLM FM Group World - Marketing Sieciowy z FM

Why is it worth being in the FM Group ?

  • You can earn money in many different ways!
  • You gain independence by running your own business!
  • You do not have to count only on yourself - there is always someone ready to help and advise you!
  • You can accomplish your aims!
There are some factors that will ensure your success in the FM Club:
  1. The unique products of a high quality.
  2. Amazing prices.
  3. A modern system of sale.
  4. The effective marketing plan that ensures a dynamic increase in personal income and raises the possibilities of own development.
  5. The product that is the easiest to sale.
  6. The highest margin on a product (in comparison to the rival companies) - 43%.

The success of Multi-Level Marketing

Multi-Level Marketing is a "person-to-person" form of selling and, consequently, products are available to everyone. The products are sold by independent sales representatives called Distributors.

The method of personal explanation allows the consultant to better understand a moderm technology and high quality of products.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is an effective method of marketing and distributing products. Distributors receive usually from 30% to 40% of the margin on products sold to their clients. This system of trade creates the possibilities for individual persons to create own business structures. These persons receive bonuses from the sales volume from products sold in the networks of their distributors.

Distributors are paid and rewarded for their creativity and help for others. This activity requires only a minor initial investment and minimal amount of "paperwork" in comparison with the traditional forms of business.

This system of selling allows you to receive permanent income with unlimited potential.
  • You have the possibility for creating an international company from your home.
  • You work for yourself, but you are not alone.
  • You are supported by a reliable company and more experienced colleagues.
  • You set the pace of work by yourself.
  • You work when you want and with whom you want - you set your income by yourself.

How to make a career in the FM Group ?

Now, as a Distributor, you have the possibility for receiving benefits from three levels of activity.

  • you get a high quality products that are unique on the market
  • you buy for a lower price and, consequently, you save money on your own shopping
  • you earn money by selling products with a 43% margin and, consequently, you receive a quick profit, which is rather rare in other businesses
  • you earn an extra bonus depending on the sales volume
  • creating your own network of independent Distributors you earn an extra money depending on the sales volume obtained by your whole group
The rules of paying the distributors for creating the network

Being a member of the FM Group, you are entitled to benefit from the whole range of possibilities. Members earn not only from selling products but they also receive a commission from products sold by the persons entered into the network. These commissions reflect the amount of points accumulated by you and by your own group of sellers. The members with the highest level of group selling become a special group, with the increased potential sources of income.

  • the amount of a bonus depends on the sales volume measured in points and is called the level of effectiveness
  • each product is given a fixed amount of points
  • points are accumulated in a given accounting month and their amount is determined by the level of effectiveness of the structure according to the table below
Classification Level of Effectiveness Points
Magnolia 3 %
6 %
9 %
Silver Magnolia 12 %
15 %
18 %
Gold Magnolia 21 % 30000

Commissions in the FM Group Poland are calculated on the basis of appropriate levels of points. A member of the company receives a set amount of points upon each purchase of products (1 point = PLN 1 without VAT). The total amount of points accumulated by a member and his/her group determines his/her level of effectiveness that corresponds to the fixed percentage rate. The level of effectiveness multiplied by the points of effectiveness minus the commissions already paid to the sellers subordinate to you constitute the total commission paid in PLN.

Each distributor, according to the marketing plan, is entitled to a bonus provided that he/she makes a purchase in the amount of at least 34,42 points (e.g. 2 bottles of perfume) every month.

The earned bonus can be paid by...
  • a discount on the next purchase - it cannot exceed 90% of a single purchase
  • ordered contract - natural persons
  • VAT invoice - persons running the business activity
THE ORCHID CLUB - independent sources of income

A leader with at least two structures on the 21% level or with one 21% structure and 20 000 points of the sales volume of the remained part of the structures obtains the membership in the EXCLUSIVE ORCHID CLUB OF THE FM GROUP.

THE ORCHID CLUB is a club for the leaders of the FM Group that are on the highest levels of the effectiveness. Membership and obtaining the successive titles - The Pearl ORCHID, The Amaranthine ORCHID, The Gold ORCHID, The Diamond ORCHID ensures you another, independent sources of income. According to the obtained title of ORCHID, the appropriate percentage of the sales volume of the company calculated in the sales points of the FM Group constitute a pool that is later distributed in a given accounting month between members of THE ORCHID CLUB who are entitled to it.

cennik usług księgowych szczecin

FM GROUP Polska jest firmą z branży FMCG, działającą w sektorze marketingu wielopoziomowego. Misją FM GROUP jest dostarczenie wysokiej jakości produktów w atrakcyjnej cenie bezpośrednio do domów Klientów, z pominięciem tradycyjnej sieci sklepowej. Jej celem jest stałe podnoszenie jakości usług i nieustanny rozwój.
Firma została założona w 2004 roku we Wrocławiu przez Artura Trawińskiego. Już trzy lata później, w związku z dynamicznym rozwojem na rynkach zagranicznych, powstała spółka FM GROUP World.
Obecnie produkty FM GROUP są znane i cenione w kilkudziesięciu krajach na sześciu kontynentach.
Na całym świecie z FM GROUP współpracuje około 624 000 Partnerów Biznesowych, z czego ponad 270 000 działa w Polsce. Firma stwarza idealne warunki dla rozwoju mikroprzedsiębiorczości, poprzez profesjonalne wsparcie biznesowo-szkoleniowe.

Produkty FM GROUP cieszą się coraz większym uznaniem i popularnością na świecie. Ekspansja marki na rynki zagraniczne rozpoczęła się w 2007 roku, kiedy powstała spółka FM GROUP World. Obecnie artykuły FM GROUP dostępne są już w kilkudziesięciu krajach na sześciu kontynentach. Firma wydaje katalogi w 26 językach. Na całym świecie z FM GROUP współpracuje około 624 000 Partnerów Biznesowych, z czego ponad 270 000 działa w Polsce.